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Gerasim Silin
Gerasim Silin

The King Of Queens Pilot ((FULL))

The episode starts off with Carrie talking to Kelly on the phone stating that the new T.V. is gigantic and that the instruction manual is bigger than their old T.V. Doug comes home and she tells him that she had the T.V. arranged to have delivered 3 days early and that it's in the basement. Doug rushes down and hugs the T.V. and Carrie has already called "the guys" and they're on there way. Deacon, Spence and Richie come and fall down the stairs.

The King of Queens Pilot

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and Doug could care less about the whole thing as he eats the food. Carrie goes to talk to Sara and she tells Doug to talk to Arthur. Doug sits beside Arthur and asks how he if holding up but Arhur just stares at a man and says he is steeling food and Doug tells him that he is making a sandwich and Arthur yells at the man and says "I guess my wife dopping dead makes you pretty hungry huh".

Arthur then goes to attack him and asks Doug to help. It then goes over to Carrie talking to her sister, Sara. Carrie tells Sara to put Arthur in a retirement home but Sara doesn't want him to because she will have no where to go and Carrie says she can stay with them. Doug walks in telling her that arthur is frightning everyone and goes there to deal with it. Everyone goes home and Arthur gives the priest money and says"here, go get yourself some neck cream".

Doug comes home to find Arthur there when he asks Carrie what the problem is and why Arthur's there, he complains "he smells like hickory smoked bacon!" Carrie lets Doug know that he was cooking "his dinner" on a 42 year old hot plate as he wound up burning his house down.

The unaired pilot in this comedy series, which was later reshot with Jerry Stiller as Arthur, about parcel delivery man Doug Heffernan, who lives in Queens, New York, with his wife Carrie and his father-in-law Arthur. In this episode, Carrie surprises Doug with a new big screen television for his basement "man cave." Then, Doug's friends hurriedly arrive to see the new screen. At 6 p.m., Carrie tells Doug his friends have to go home and his buddies think him "whipped." Carrie reminds Doug that they are having dinner that night with her father, Arthur, and his wife, Tessie. However, Doug talks Carrie into canceling. Later, right as they are about to make love, Doug and Carrie hear a knock on their door. It's a frantic Sara -- Carrie's sister -- revealing that Tessie just died of a heart attack. Later, Carrie and Sara discuss whether it is time to put their dad in a retirement home. Then, Carrie invites Sara to live with them "for a while." At dinner, Carrie and Sara speak with Arthur, who is furious that they want him to live in a retirement community. He claims he will live in his house alone -- until he burns that house down while cooking on his hot plate. Thus, after a long talk, Doug and Carrie decide to take in Arthur, as well as Sara. Now, Arthur is given the "man cave" and Doug has to invite his friends over to watch the Jets game while all stretch out on his bed. Doug is not thrilled with his current living arrangements, especially with Sara monopolizing the bathroom. Likewise, Carrie finds a problem with her father's illicit behavior. One evening, Doug laments to Carrie about their new situation until he eventually realizes that he can handle it. Commercials deleted.

In a 2006 interview with The Futon Critic, David Bickel (who served as the Executive Producer for The King of Queens) explained that both Carter and Stiller shot a version of the pilot episode of the show. When it was sent over to him, he had the unique opportunity of witnessing both actors portray their version of Arthur.

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CBS sitcom "The King of Queens" centered on the trials and tribulations of Doug (Kevin James) and Carrie Heffernan (Leah Remini), a working-class couple whose personalities sometimes click together nicely and other times clash. Doug's friends Deacon Palmer (Victor Williams), Spence Olchin (Patton Oswalt), and Richie Iannucci (Larry Romano); his cousin Danny Heffernan (Gary Valentine); and dog-walker Holly Shumpert (Nicole Sullivan) add depth and humor to the fictional neighborhood. But while every one of the characters named above is hilarious, there's another who often stole the show with his bombastic temperament and obstinate disposition. Fans know who we're talking about here: It's Carrie's father, Arthur Spooner (Jerry Stiller).

Arthur is nothing if not difficult, the wrench in every plan. It's hard to imagine anyone else but Stiller so perfectly embodying the character. Even so, the fact is he was totally different in the "King of Queens" pilot than he was throughout the rest of the show.

As it turned out, Stiller was available after all, and as part of his audition, he reshot some scenes from the pilot. Then David Bickel had the strange experience of seeing the actors switch off throughout a hybrid version. He explained, "It was like, 'Oh, this is great,' and all of a sudden Jack Carter would appear, and it was like, 'Ahhhh! What's happening here?'" While Bickel had no complaints, Stiller was the first choice and ultimately won out. And now, it's hard to imagine any other outcome.

Originally Jerry Stiller turned down the role of Arthur and the part went to actor Jack Carter instead. After a pilot was shot Stiller changed his mind and Carter got the boot. They then reshot Arthur's scenes with Stiller.Here is a clip of Jack Cater as Arthur =7DG0mFuZJTIIt gives such a different vibe to the show imo and, even though he isn't the main character, I wonder how successful the show would have been without Stiller.

This is my favorite show and Ive seen every episode a countless number of times. But to me, its a wonder that the king of queens survived its first season. It was very rough around the edges and didnt really find its groove until season 3. If this guy was Arthur, then i definitely dont see how its doesnt get cancelled during the first or second season.

I grew up in Ridgefield which is the town below Cliffside Park. I knew that house very well having passed it walking to my piano lessons. It is near or on the same street as the house used in the movie BIG with Tom Hanks.

So, listen, uh, I've been doing a lot of research... binging "Grey's Anatomy," I mean... and, apparently, depending on the location of the tumor, uh, judgment and impulse control may be impaired, so maybe... and I'm just thinking here... uh, that can explain why, you know, um, I did what I did.

  • The King of Queens was the last live action sitcom starting in the 90s to end its run, running from 1998-2007.

  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: The official description for "Van Go" on the DVD says the subplot is about Doug at the DMV. It's actually about him having to avoid a waitress he unintentionally pissed off. The description for "Where's Poppa?" claims Bill Cosby appears in a cameo as his character from Cosby, his CBS sitcom that was on at the time, but there's no evidence he ever appeared in the episode, and, if he did, neither the syndicated run or DVD feature his scenes.

  • Descended Creator: Nick Bakay, who voiced Salem, was a writer for the show and also did several uncredited voice-overs in many episodes. He began to appear onscreen in later episodes. Writer Rock Reuben appears as the over-enthusiastic Mike Piazza fan in "Where's Poppa?"

  • Hide Your Pregnancy: When Leah Remini became pregnant, they hid this simply by dressing her in concealing clothing that didn't work very well.

  • I Want You to Meet an Old Friend of Mine: "Hi, School" guest starred Burt Reynolds, who had worked with Remini on his old CBS sitcom Evening Shade. Adam Sandler, who has worked with James in several movies (and produced some of them as well) appears in one episode.

  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Starting in the fall of 2007 (some months after the show ended) reruns of the show started using a shortened version of the "Baby, All My Life I Will Be Driving Home To You" opening, making the original a rarity that those who have caught the show in reruns will likely be surprised to discover.

  • Life Imitates Art: In "Dark Meet", Arthur is portrayed as being crazy and paranoid for warning Doug that his job as a delivery man might get taken over by a machine. Fast forward to current day, as the advent of package carrying drones and self driving trucks are leaving many delivery men fearing that their employment could be at risk.

  • The Other Darrin: Deacon's son, Kirby Palmer, was played by three separate children over the course of the show. The same goes for Deacon's younger son, Major, who was also played by three children. This is the only way a show not structured as Real Time can continue to show young children.

  • When Spence's mom Veronica first appeared in "S'Aint Valentines", she was played by Twin Peaks star Grace Zabriske (as Anne Meara was playing another role in that episode). By her next appearance, Meara had taken on the role and would play it for the rest of the series run (Anne Meara was Jerry Stiller's Real Life wife, which is played with later on when the pair flirt and date).

  • Doug's Boss, Supervisor O'Boyle was played by Sam McMurray throughout the entire series, except for Season 1's "White Collar", where the character was played by John F. O'Donohue. The character's name is given as "Jack" in the credits but McMurray's character's first name is Patrick. While the fact that Doug could have two supervisors with the same last name is not completely impossible, a later episode centered around a flashback to when Doug first started working at IPS (season 8 episode "Consummate Professional") has the McMurray character as Supervisor.

  • The Other Marty: Two versions of the pilot were shot: one with Jerry Stiller as Arthur Spooner; the other with Jack Carter in the role. Since Stiller wound up being cast, the pilot with Carter never aired.

  • Recycled Script: "Gym Neighbors" was basically a combination of "Fat City" and "Fatty McButterpants." The dialogue in "Gym Neighbors" between Doug and Deacon about Doug talking to Carrie regarding her weight was almost identical to a conversation they had in "Fat City."

  • Star-Making Role: For Kevin James, Leah Remini, and Patton Oswalt.

  • Title Sequence Replacement: The first season's opening just showed a brief clip of a subway going by. It wasn't until season 2 that the "Baby, All My Life I Will Be Driving Home To You" theme (and the clips it was set to) started.

  • You Look Familiar: Leah Remini's real life husband, Angelo Pagan, guest starred six times as five different characters on the show.

  • Kevin James' real life wife, Steffiana De La Cruz, guest starred five times as five different characters.

  • The king (no pun intended) of this was Mookie Barker, who guest starred in many episodes, almost always as a different character.

  • Chris Elliott played "F. Moynihan" a customer of Doug's in one episode and as a wacky exterminator several seasons later.

  • Carrie's Boss in Hornstein & Steckler, Mr. Kaplan, was played by Victor Raider-Wexler. When Carrie eventually gets a job at a Real Estate Firm her new boss was played by the same actor.

  • Although it is never used, the pilot episode's official title is "Artie Down." This sticks with the pattern of using two-word puns for each episode title.



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